Michael & Tabitha grew up in the same town, but didn't really know one another. They had alot of mutual Facebook friends, and Tabitha kept showing up in Micheals recommended friends. So he took a chance, sent her a friend request and struck up a conversation. This lead to him asking her out on a date.

Michael proposed on their 3 year dating anniversary. Tabitha was working her usual 12 hour shift at work. She had a really rough day at work. When she came home, Michael and her dog were outside on the back deck. He opens the back door & her dog comes inside. She immediately noticed the dog had something hanging off of him (she thought it was a leaf). He takes them outside & points out that the sun was setting . He let her look at what was on the dog & it was a dog tag that said “will you marry me?”. Of course, she said yes!

So of course it was only natural their fur baby join in on their engagement session.
